Our Vision

Create beloved product
with tech stacks we love.

Ruby, well known for a language optimized for programmer happiness, won our heart back in 2007. We have since been dedicated to the Ruby community, which we serve as the main organizer/sponsor of RubyConf Taiwan. In 2014, this labor of love eventually led to the founding of 5xRuby Co. Ltd., with the goal of promoting Ruby through education and consulting services. In 2020, the education section branched off as an independent business, while we continue to focus on delivering the best software to our clients. See press release for details. In 2022, we released our first original product. SOSI, which means "key" in Taiwanese, is a B2B remote access control system. Over the years, by building diverse products for clients all across the world, we have helped create gratifying user experiences and billions in revenue. It has been a wonderful journey, and we look forward to join yours as well.


What makes us different is that, our business is run by doers, not sayers.

Our Values

We deliver technical solutions for innovators.